You don’t need to be bald or experiencing drastic hair loss to consider a hair transplant.
The truth of the matter is not every patient we see here at the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons is interested or in need of a large number of grafts. We assess every case individually and speak to many patients who are considering smaller procedures. While sometimes thought of as being more cosmetic in nature, because every patient is different it’s really about finding the best option for you.
At the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons we often hear from patients seeking a “no-shave” FUE option for smaller procedures. We have completed no-shave options on a patient-by-patient basis depending on the transplant goal. If you are interested in learning more about a no-shave option just ask during your consultation with one of our doctors. They’ll let you know if you are eligible or a good candidate!
What are other reasons to consider a small graft hair transplant?
We see patients who are looking for help to cosmetically repair specific small areas. This includes scars from accidents, burn victims, patients looking to repair scars left by previous surgeries, patients suffering from traction alopecia and patients who have carried some insecurity over their hair’s appearance for a host of personal reasons.
In addition to all of the reasons mentioned above, we also do smaller graft hair transplants when we do procedures for facial hair such as beard or eyebrow transplants.
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