
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

When should you get a hair transplant?


Knowing the right time to get a hair transplant is something that a lot of men struggle with.

If your hair loss has reached a stage where treatments such as minoxidil and finasteride are not going to be of much use, then the decision to get a hair transplant doesn’t take much consideration. However there are a lot of guys whose hair loss is minimal or has only just started. In this case it’s easy to fret over what the best course of action is.

Minoxidil and finasteride are proven to be effective for the majority of hair loss sufferers. However, the truth is that results vary quite a lot from person to person.

For some people, a combination of these two treatments is almost a miracle cure i.e. it prevents any further hair loss and promotes regrowth. However a lot of guys find that existing treatments only slow down their hair loss, rather than stopping it completely. For these guys, it can be a real struggle to know when the right time to get a hair transplant is.

Prevention Rather Than Cure

The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is very apt when it comes to hair transplants. The reason is that transplants are much more successful and yield the best results when there is a good amount of hair in the donor regions. For those with very advanced hair loss, it might be unrealistic to hope to achieve a full head of hair. If this is the desired results, as in most cases it is, then it’s better to get a hair transplant before the level of hair loss advances too much

HairLossCausesStatistics-img-1You Current Level of Hair Loss – This is probably the biggest determining factor when deciding whether you want to get a hair transplant.

Factors to Consider

For those with a receding hairline, it can advance very quickly and unfortunately there are no proven treatments for preventing this other than a hair transplant. For those with thinning at the crown, the hair loss might be much slower and in which case, it’s usually advised to try treatments for a period of time before considering a transplant.

Your Financial Circumstances – Your financial circumstances will of course help determine when the right time for you to get a hair transplant is.

Because hair transplants are quite a long procedure that requires a skilled surgeon, the cost can be fairly substantial. You should be financially prepared to be able to invest in a hair transplant.

Your Success with Hair Loss Treatments – If your hair loss is in its earlies stages then there’s a good chance you’ll be able to halt it by using a combination of the proven treatments on the market.

It’s recommended that you try treatments for at least 12 months to determine whether they’re successful or not.