
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

How Long Does it Take to Recover From a Hair Transplant?


It’s hard to overstate just how much hair transplant techniques have improved over the last couple of decades.

It used to be the case that the grafts used for hair transplants were very large, which resulted in the infamous ‘hair plugs’ look that we’ve all seen. Thankfully, hair transplants have come a long way since then.

Nowadays hair transplant surgery is a highly refined procedure that makes use of individual follicular units to ensure the most natural looking results possible. Whilst hair transplants have come on along way, like any surgery – there is a period of recovery.

The reason for this is that the incisions that are made to implant the new hair need time to heal. There is a stark contrast between how a patients hair will look immediately after the transplant and a week to 10 days later. It’s down to the patient to decide exactly how long they wait before going back to work but there are certain key factors that should be considered when making this decision.

A big part of the healing process is waiting for the scabs where the follicular units have been extracted to fall off. This usually happens within a week but can sometimes take a little longer. There can also be an appearance of redness to both the donor and recipient sites for a few weeks after, that can make some men feel self-conscious.

When deciding on how long to wait before returning to work, the biggest factor is usually how concerned the patient is about other people realising that they’ve had a hair transplant. Whilst some people are very open about their decision, others prefer to keep it private if at all possible. In cases where there is minimal hair loss, there are no noticeable traces after around 10 days. Of course if your hair loss was major then it’s not going to be possible disguise the fact that you’ve had a hair transplant.

Is There Any Pain Involved?

There usually isn’t any significant pain involved in the healing process after a hair transplant, although it does vary from patient to patient. Usually if there is any pain then it can easily be dealt with by taking over-the-counter painkillers. Generally the only pain or discomfort suffered during the process of having a hair transplant is when the anaesthetic if first administered during the procedure itself.

What Can I Do to Help?

To help speed up the process of recovery you should avoid wearing any tight hats or hard headgear for a at least the first couple of days. This will help to ensure that the healing process is as fast as possible. You should also avoid using any sort of hair styling products for the first day or so following the procedure.

You can find out a lot more information about hair transplants and have your questions answered by visiting Dr Jones’ website at