
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Female Hair Loss

Our mission is to help you sort through the wealth of information surrounding hair loss. This includes dissecting the subtle differences between the more commonly discussed male hair loss factors and what a woman experiencing hair loss should consider.

Female Hair Loss

Our mission is to help you sort through the wealth of information surrounding hair loss. This includes dissecting the subtle differences between the more commonly discussed male hair loss factors and what a woman experiencing hair loss should consider.

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Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss can be a distressing experience, particularly for women. While male hair loss is more commonly discussed and accepted, female hair loss is less common and often carries a cultural stigma. This can severely impact a woman’s self-confidence and overall quality of life.

Female hair loss is different from male hair loss, with women typically experiencing thinning of mid-scalp and crown hair while retaining their frontal hairline. It is important to note that hair loss treatments suitable for men may not be safe or effective for women due to different hair loss patterns and reproductive concerns.

Improvements in hair transplantation techniques have provided new opportunities for women experiencing hair loss. These techniques allow for thickening thinning areas while preserving existing hair follicles, achieving a high density in treated areas, and minimizing scarring in both donor and recipient sites. As a result, more women are considering hair transplantation as a viable option.

Impact of Hair Loss on Women

About 10 to 20 percent of the patients seen at the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons who are concerned with hair loss are female. For a woman, more so than for a man, hair is a defining point of personal style. For most women, losing hair is often a traumatic experience. Most of the women can be close to tears when discussing their daily struggle with attempts to cover up their thinning hair. Adding to the problem is the fact that many females feel they have been “brushed off” by family doctors and dermatologists, who make them feel like they are worrying about something insignificant. Of course, what these physicians don’t seem to realize is that the psychological damage caused by hair loss and feeling self-conscious can be just as devastating as any serious disease, and in fact, can take an emotional toll that directly affects a woman’s physical health.

The following is an actual letter sent to us by a female patient. The letter expresses the anguish that we see in so many women who are frustrated with the hair loss they are experiencing.

“I’m a 33-year-old woman who noticed gradual hair loss a decade ago, worsening over time. Feeling helpless, I tried numerous solutions but faced increasing anguish, altering my life to avoid public situations. It was mental torture. Despite seeing multiple doctors attributing my hair loss to chronic issues without solutions, hope came in the form of Dr. Robert Jones from Oakville, Ontario.

Discovering Dr. Jones‘ website, I scheduled a consultation and eventually underwent a hair transplant. Initially disheartened by small blood dots post-procedure, patience was key. Three months of anticipation felt like an eternity until I noticed the first signs of growth, bringing immense joy!

Now, a year post-procedure, my hair is notably fuller, restoring my confidence and allowing me to embrace life again. Dr. Jones, a skilled and compassionate physician, provided the support I needed. I encourage women not to suffer alone; help is a phone call away.”

Thinning and balding are mistakenly thought to be strictly male phenomena. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 40 percent of women have visible hair loss by the time they are age 40, and about 80 percent of females develop some recession of their hairlines as well, as part of the normal maturation process.

The American Hair Loss Association recognizes hair loss in women is a serious life-altering condition that can no longer be ignored.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is the most common form of hair loss in women. It is characterized by a diffuse thinning of hair all around the top of the head, rather than the specific patterns seen in male pattern baldness. The underlying causes of female pattern baldness are not fully understood, but it is believed to involve a complex interplay of hormones, enzymes, and genetic factors.

Unlike male pattern baldness, which is predominantly influenced by genetics and age, female pattern baldness can occur at any time. Women with underlying medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome or autoimmune disorders, may be more prone to hair loss. Additionally, temporary hair shedding, known as telogen effluvium, can be triggered by childbirth, crash dieting, surgery, or emotional stress.

When we first see female patients at the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons, we always want to rule out any possible medical problems that you have assessed with your family doctor before we recommend possible treatments and certainly before considering a transplant as an option.

We have treated and advised many women with hair loss and, in some cases, hair transplantation may not be the best hair loss treatment for female options. A consultation will allow Dr. Huber, Dr. Alexander or Dr. Jones to assess your current status, review your pathology test results and advise you of a female hair loss treatment program that considers both your current and future hair loss.

Female Hair Loss – Day Of Surgery

We’ve documented some cases from our revolutionary fourth-generation FUE procedure.

This procedure allows us to perform minimal scar hair transplants without having to shave the patient’s entire head. This is a huge step forward for women and patients with long hair who just can’t shave their entire heads. The hair will grow back at your donor site and you’ll have new hair growing where you’re currently experiencing thinness and balding.

This case shows a woman with severe hair loss in the hairline.

We take grafts from the thick sections on the back of her head and move them to her hairline. The result? A densely packed hairline that should have great growth in 6 months. Her donor sites are undetectable, and as the hair grows in, will be almost completely undetectable. This new procedure opens up options for patients who formerly couldn’t consider a hair transplant.

Our Results

Our Results - Hair Transplant

Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons are internationally known for our pioneering hair transplantation work.

Our huge archive is here to help you see what we can do for you. Use the link below to view some sample cases.

Are you thinking about a hair transplant?

This new NO-SHAVE procedure is great for patients looking to restore their hairline subtly and without the fanfare of shaving their heads. Keep watching our blog and social media for more examples of this procedure.

Hair Loss in Women

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Women’s Hair Loss And The Pill

The birth control pill, widely used for contraception, can be a trigger for hair loss in women. Its mechanism involves suppressing ovulation and mimicking pregnancy. Women predisposed to hormone-related hair loss may experience thinning after starting the Pill. Furthermore, sensitivity to hormone changes can lead to hair loss upon discontinuation.

While oral contraceptives are generally safe and effective, it’s crucial to be aware of their potential side effect of hair loss. Physicians acknowledge the Pill’s health benefits for many women but advise caution regarding this contraceptive’s impact on hair.

For women considering the Pill but aiming to minimize hair loss risk, opting for “low testosterone” pills is recommended. Pills with lower androgenic activity like norgestimate, norethindrone, desogestrel, or ethynodiol diacetate, are viable options. However, if there’s a family history of genetic hair loss, exploring non-hormonal birth control methods is advisable.

The birth control pills listed below have a significant risk for causing or exacerbating hair loss.

  • Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are small rods implanted surgically beneath the skin, usually on the upper arm. The rods release a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovulation.
  • Hormone injections of progestin, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttocks. This injection prevents ovulation.
  • The skin patch (Ortho Evra) is placed on your shoulder, buttocks, or other location. It continually releases progestin and estrogen.
  • The vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is a flexible ring about 2 inches in diameter inserted into the vagina. It releases progestin and estrogen.

Factors affecting female hair loss include genetics, medication side effects, hormonal changes, nutrient deficiencies or chemicals acting upon your hair as part of hair treatments. Women tend to lose some hair when they start aging such as in their 50s and 60s.

Wondering if there are any styling tips or tricks to use to disguise thinning hair?

Stylists say that one of the secrets to making your thinning hair look fuller is going for short hair cuts. Try bangs and cuts with an edgy style. Be bold and experiment! Take some inspiration from celebrities like Kris Jenner and Katie Couric. Go for bangs and textured cuts.

Try a Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner

Several hair care products exist in the market which can boost hair volume. Go for a name brand Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner for that healthy, shiny and full looking hair!

Don’t forget that hairspray!

A thickening hairspray will help to lift and hold hair, be it any kind of hair type from straight, curly, thin or thick. Hairspray can be indispensable to add volume to your hair, useful while styling your hair as well as for locking down your hairstyle.

Hair Breakage Treatments

Several hair breakage treatments that repair breaking hair are available in the market. There are also treatments for frizz control, moisture-balancing, straightening shampoos and hair care products that treat damaged hair.

Avoid sulphates in your hair care products.

Make sure you select quality name brand products and be sure to ask your stylist what products they use on you when you’re next in for a cut or colour! They know your hair best (besides you).


How can I stimulate hair regrowth in the female hair loss frontal hairline?

To encourage regrowth in the frontal hairline, consider treatments like minoxidil, PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy, or low-level laser therapy. These methods have shown effectiveness in stimulating hair follicles and promoting hair regrowth for women in this area.

What are some effective ways to prevent hair loss in women?

Preventing hair loss in women involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, and avoiding excessive hairstyling practices. Additionally, using gentle hair care products, managing stress, and consulting a healthcare professional for supplements like biotin or vitamin D can aid in prevention.

What is the common cause of hair loss in women?

Several factors contribute to hair loss in women, such as hormonal changes (e.g., menopause, thyroid disorders), genetic predisposition, stress, nutritional deficiencies, certain medications, and underlying health conditions like alopecia areata or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

What are some effective solutions available for female hair loss?

Effective solutions for hair loss females include topical treatments like minoxidil, oral medications such as finasteride (for certain types of hair loss), PRP therapy, hair transplant surgery, and adopting a comprehensive approach that combines lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, and professional guidance.

How can I find a reliable female hair loss clinic?

Look for a women’s hair loss clinic that specializes in treating female hair loss specifically. Ensure the clinic has qualified dermatologists or trichologists, offers a range of treatment options, has positive reviews/testimonials, and provides personalized care tailored to your needs.


Female hair loss is a significant concern that can have a profound impact on a woman’s self-esteem and quality of life. If you are a female and are experiencing hair loss, battling side effects from other medical treatments, or just want advice on how best to achieve your desired aesthetic look, our team here at the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons can help. Use the button below to schedule a virtual consult with one of our doctors and let their experience and expertise guide you towards real hair loss solutions.