
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

FUE Hair Transplant Recovery


In this video, we are highlighting a very commonly asked question. What does recovery from a hair transplant look like?

Meet Jonathan, who recently underwent an FUE Hair Transplant procedure. He explains, in his own words, the healing process. He also provides essential insights, do’s and don’ts, and the steps he is following to ensure a successful recovery journey.

This is the consolidated video and takes you through 12 days of Jonathan’s recovery (over a 30-day period). He covers practical tips and advice that was given to him by his surgeon, Dr. Alexander,  on how to make FUE Hair Transplant Recovery as smooth as possible. By following the THTS guidelines provided, Jonathan takes you through all of the steps he took to speed up the healing process, minimize discomfort, and achieve optimal results.

Visit our YouTube Channel HERE to watch the videos in single installments if you prefer!