
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Megasession Results – 3,000 Grafts and Beyond


Meeting a patient’s expectations often necessitates the transplantation of a large amount of hair in a single surgical session. Mega sessions are hair transplantation surgical sessions of approximately 3,000 to 5,000 grafts that require enormous amounts of time, talent and attention to detail.

Not all hair transplant surgeons have the experience or proficiency to complete marathon surgeries like these. Today, many surgeons are still reluctant to perform more than 2,500 grafts in one single surgical session. However, as a pioneer in hair restoration techniques, Toronto-based surgeon Dr. Robert Jones regularly performs 3,000- to 4,000-graft cases in a single day.

Why Get a Mega session?

If you’re researching hair transplant surgery, you may be wondering what makes the mega session approach different from other methods of surgery. For patients with more pronounced hair loss who need many hair transplants to achieve the desired amount of coverage, finding a surgeon who can do a mega session is ideal because it allows you to get the results you want in one surgery, rather than spreading out the grafts over two or three separate sessions.

Mega sessions typically entail one full day (eight hours or more) of hair transplantation surgery. Obviously, a surgery this lengthy is both mentally and physically demanding for the surgeon and his staff and requires both a high level of technical skill and meticulous placement of each graft. However, the key advantage of a mega session is that it is far more convenient for patients who are in good health and are willing to sit still for long periods. Mega sessions are outpatient procedures, and you can resume work and other regular activities the next day if you prefer – though many patients take a day or two off to rest and recover.

When performing such lengthy surgeries, it is essential to maintain and monitor the patient’s health throughout the process to ensure the best possible outcome. At the Toronto Hair Restoration Centre, we have designed our state-of-the-art facility with the ultimate patient comfort and safety in mind.

Hair Transplant Techniques

The art and science of hair transplant surgery have advanced considerably over recent years as the tools and technology have continued to evolve, and as innovators like Dr. Jones continue to push the boundaries of what it is possible to achieve. Hair transplants now look more natural than ever before. After your surgery, you’ll be able to enjoy cutting, styling or colouring your hair however you choose and say goodbye to trying to hide your thinning hair with hats or wigs.

Broadly, there are two major options for hair transplants:

Follicular Unit Excision
Follicular unit excision, or FUE, is an advanced technique in which Dr. Jones removes tiny groupings of hair from a donor area using a punch-like tool and reinserts them into the balding areas on the top and sides of the head. In contrast to older methods of hair restoration surgery, the procedure does not require sutures or leave patients with visible scarring, and the results are natural-looking enough to be virtually undetectable.

Follicular Unit Transplantation
When performing follicular unit transplantation, or FUT, Dr. Jones will cut a long strip of hair from the back of the patient’s scalp to get many healthy hair grafts all at once, instead of harvesting each hair graft individually. FUT is also known as strip surgery, and it is a less painstaking method than FUE. However, it is also a more aggressive approach that leaves noticeable scarring behind. If you plan to wear a closely cropped hairstyle after your hair restoration surgery, or if you would like to take a gentler approach to the procedure, FUE is a better option for you than FUT.

Mega session Case Studies

Throughout his years in practice, Dr. Jones has helped hundreds of patients from around the world regain their self-esteem by enabling them to regrow a fuller, healthier head of hair. Having made significant advancements in hair transplant methods, including FUE, Dr. Jones is a recognized and sought-after expert in his field.

As the first doctor in the world to perform large sessions using FUE, Dr. Jones has amassed an impressive portfolio of before-and-after case studies for his patients. View these and many other mega session results in our resource-rich photo and video gallery.

6,000 FUE grafts, before and seven months after surgery
5,200-graft transplant for a 40-year-old male with thinning hair at the crown
Before and after 4,200-graft strip surgery, 42-year-old male
Before and after, 3,000 grafts, 40-year-old male
Before and after 3,700-graft strip surgery, 46-year-old male

Who Is a Good Candidate for Mega session Hair Restoration?

At Toronto Hair Restoration Centre, we understand everyone has a busy lifestyle. That’s why many patients who need more than 3,000 grafts are attracted to the idea of getting their surgery done in one outpatient procedure, rather than prolonging the process. But how can you know how many grafts you’ll need?

Generally, the number of grafts Dr. Jones will recommend for you will hinge on the extent of your hair loss, as well as the amount of available donor hair. If you have a larger area of thinning hair to cover, or if you prefer to achieve greater hair density across a smaller area, you may prefer to get more grafts in one session. Mega session hair surgery provides the best results for patients with larger bald spots they wish to address. People with diffuse hair loss – or thinning hair throughout their scalp, as often happens with female pattern balding – will need to consider other methods of hair restoration.

When performing hair restoration surgery, Dr. Jones recognizes that it is not a one-size-fits-all process. Therefore, he will evaluate you in person to determine how many grafts you need to provide the coverage you’re looking for and which hair restoration technique will work better for you, as well as whether you have enough donor hair to provide the desired results.

If you’re considering FUE or FUT surgery and are ready to take the next step, contact the Toronto Hair Restoration Centre today. As one of the world’s leading hair surgeons, Dr. Jones is here to help put his experience to work for you.