
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Top 10 FUE Transplant Myths


Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is one of the most innovative techniques for hair transplantation available. With such new and advanced technology that differs so drastically from previous methods, plenty of myths have been associated with FUE transplants. Let’s bust the 10 FUE transplant myths that have been floating around once and for all. Keep reading to learn what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to this innovative procedure.

FUE Has Strict Guidelines for Candidacy.

This is completely false. Almost 100% of patients suffering with hair loss are candidates for FUE. This differs from previous hair transplant techniques that did have strict guidelines and criteria to be a good candidate. This included having the right hair color, texture, skin tone, and the right amount of donor hair available. With FUE, patients no longer have to fit into these strict parameters. For example, it is possible for donor hairs to be taken from other parts of the body, even if the patient does not have a sufficient amount of donor hair on their head. There are fewer criteria to be met to be considered a good candidate for FUE due to the advanced techniques used in during the procedure.

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Your Transplants Will Fall Out If the FUE Method is Used.

This one is true and false. Your transplants MAY fall out, but this is a completely normal part of the process. The hair grafts may begin to shed anywhere between the first three to five weeks as a natural part of the hair growth process. Once the transplants have shed, new hair will begin to grow. So, although technically the hair is falling out, new hair will grow back to replace it.

Only Men Can Benefit from FUE Hair Transplants.

This is one of the most common myths associated with any hair transplant. Although as a society we usually associate hair transplants with men, women can benefit from a FUE hair transplant just as much as a man can. Men and women both suffer from hair loss and often women feel more self-conscious about hair losing their hair. FUE can help restore the appearance of a full and more youthful hairline for both men and women.

FUE Hair Transplants Look Artificial.

Like any other surgical procedure, the skill and experience of your surgeon will drastically affect your final results. With an experienced doctor, such as Dr. Huber or Dr. Jones, there should be no sign of a transplant once you are completely healed. Your doctor will artistically place the transplants to mimic your natural hairline, by taking into account your unique face shape. One of the reasons patients choose FUE is because of the minimal scarring and natural appearance. Once the hair has grown out, you can comb, style and cut it as you would your natural hair.

FUE Transplants Provide Immediate Results.

Although we hope one day to find a realistic hair transplant option that does provide immediate results, unfortunately that day has not come yet. The hair that is transplanted will grow like your natural hair, which is a slow process and takes weeks to months. Your hair will gradually begin to grow, giving you a natural appearance.

Large Numbers of Grafts Cannot Be Transplanted When Using FUE.

This myth comes from a few different beliefs. Some think a large number of grafts cannot be taken because the scalp will not get enough blood supply. This is not true, as the blood supply to the scalp is able to supply enough blood for up to thousands of hair grafts at one time. This means that the blood supply should not slow down due to the number of hair grafts transplanted.

Larger number of grafts can now be used during FUE transplants because donor hair does not have to come from only a patient’s head. Some patients are able to use hair from their shoulders, legs, and chest as donor hair to create a full hair line. This increases the number of grafts that can be used when compared to other hair transplant techniques.

You Cannot Have a FUE Hair Transplant After Having a Strip Transplant.

This is untrue. Many patients who have had failed strip hair transplants have turned to FUE, with successful results. Having a strip hair transplant in the past does not prevent you from having a FUE hair transplant now, if you are unsatisfied with your previous results.

The Best Results Are Seen When FUE Hair Transplants Are Performed on Younger Patients.

This myth might be taken from other conditions that find it best to treat them right when they occur. For example, some doctors recommend getting Botox injections when wrinkles begin to appear to help prevent them from becoming worse in the future. As for FUE transplants, many patients have more success when they are older. This is because the pattern of your hair loss becomes clearer and allows the doctor to better position the transplanted grafts.

FUE Transplants Leave Behind Severe Scars.

The reason many patients choose FUE over other hair transplant methods is due to the minimal scarring. During a strip hair transplant, a surgeon must harvest donor hair by taking a strip of the scalp from the lower part of the head. This results in a linear scar that prevents patients from wearing their hair short. FUE only leaves behind small circular scars that tend to heal faster. These are usually unnoticeable when a patient decides to wear their hair at a shorter length. The scars left behind after an FUE hair transplant are considered cosmetically insignificant.

STRIP Transplants Provide Better Results.

Patients can receive great results from both types of transplants. The success of your results will largely depend on the skill and experience of your doctor. Particularly when discussing FUE procedures, it is essential for the surgeon to have an advanced technique. This is why it is important to do your research and only go to someone who is a certified specialist, such as both our doctors here at the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons. This will help you get the best results.

Are you thinking about having a hair transplant? Give our office a call today and schedule a consultation.