
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

1500 Graft FUE – 35 Year Old African American Patient


Curly hair is not the easiest to transplant and many practices will tell you it simply cannot be done.

However, with enough experience, a qualified facility can create a truly beautiful result from this more complicated hair type. This patient presented with thinning in the forelock. We were able to harvest 1500 grafts and implant them. It’s pretty amazing how much more density was achieved in this case.

Do you have curly hair or an African American ethnicity? If so, contact our team to learn all your options. While most facilities will tell you it can’t be done we’ll make it happen. Challenging cases and unique patients are all in a day’s work for our staff. Experience gets results. Contact the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons today.


1500 Graft FUE African American