
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Sunscreen And Hair Loss


Without your hair to protect your scalp, the skin on top of your head is now left open to the elements. Skin cancers on the top of men’s head’s can likely be prevented with adequate protection. What Can You do to Protect Yourself? All you need to do is use sunscreen, everyday. Make sure the sunscreen you buy is waterproof so you dont sweat it off throughout the day.

How to care for our hair & hair follicles.

Do You Need Sunscreen if You’re Bald?


Some guys are bald, and if you’re one of them, you need to protect that crown of yours.

Without your hair to protect your scalp, the skin on top of your head is now left open to the elements. Skin cancers on the top of men’s head’s can likely be prevented with adequate protection.

The scary truth is that skin cancers on the head are known to be more dangerous than those found in other places of the body. More often than not there is a delay in men seeking a diagnosis. On top of that, the scalp has abundant blood vessels and lymphatics which are facing directly at the sun all day, creating ideal conditions for melanoma to spread. This can be deadly for bald men.

What Can You do to Protect Yourself?

Luckily, avoiding this cancer on the top of your head is easily preventable. All you need to do is use sunscreen, everyday. You should even be putting sunscreen on your scalp in the winter months.

Now that summers here, its more important than ever for you to invest some change into an SPF of at least 30, and rub it all over your bare scalp every day before you leave the house. Make sure the sunscreen you buy is waterproof so you dont sweat it off throughout the day.

Symptoms of melanoma on scalp

A study by the University of North Carolina School of Medicine found that although only six percent of patients have skin lesions on the scalp and neck, they account for 10 percent of all melanoma deaths.

Melanomas on the scalp follow the same general symptoms as other forms of melanoma. The ABCDE method still applies here. A melanoma on the scalp will usually exhibit some or all of these symptoms:

  • indistinct borders
  • an asymmetrical shape
  • variegated colors
  • will grow and change over time
  • is larger than a pencil tip (about ¼ of an inch)

If you ever feel concerned about any skin changes on your body its important to follow up with your family physician. This article does not constitute as medical advice.