
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

2023 Edition Complete Guide to Hair Transplant Costs & Pricing

We have put together this comprehensive guide to help you assess the multiple factors that affect the cost of a hair transplant surgery.

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Demand for hair transplants has risen dramatically in recent years, and “How much does a hair transplant cost?” is now one of the most frequently asked questions surrounding the procedure. On this page, you will find some of the most frequently asked questions our clients have had in considering whether or not to pursue a hair transplant with us. We hope this provides you with a comprehensive guide to help you in your decision-making process.

Complete Guide to Hair Transplant


Unfortunately, hair transplantation as an industry is prone to misleading or intentionally confusing claims, including pricing. If you find a doctor or clinic whose prices are significantly lower than what others in the same area are offering, do your homework before committing to getting your surgery done there. Remember, the effects of hair transplant surgery are long-lasting, which means unsatisfactory results will stay with you for years to come.

As you’ve undoubtedly discovered if you’ve done any research into the topic, there is not a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. That’s because there are so many factors impacting the final cost of a hair transplant, including who performs the procedure, the geographical location of the clinic, the technique involved and the number of grafts required.

Stop Over Paying

Many people who are considering a hair transplant may feel intimidated by conflicting reports on price, availability and the pros and cons of different hair transplant procedures. As you start to contact different hair restoration doctors, you will probably find their price quotes vary widely. Hair transplants are now more accessible and affordable than ever before, so if you are one of the millions of people whose quality of life would benefit from this procedure, you owe it to yourself to fully understand all the variables that impact cost.

That’s why we’ve put together this thorough guide to helping you understand hair transplant costs and what to look for when you are considering this life-changing procedure.

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Hair Transplant TypesSince so many variables come into play to influence the price of a hair transplant, it can be tricky to figure out what you can expect to pay. As you start to research what different specialists charge, you’ll soon discover pricing can and does vary widely from country to country, city to city and especially clinic to clinic.


Many clinics charge for hair transplants by or per individual graft, which can initially be confusing. You may see a quote such as “$3 per graft,” which of course appears to be quite low. However, depending on the extent of hair loss, it is quite common for patients to need between 1,500 and 3,000 hair grafts. Cost per graft is the most significant factor influencing the cost of hair transplant surgery.

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The person or people who perform the procedure can be another variable affecting the total price tag. For example, you may expect to pay more by choosing a doctor with more extensive training who personally does the procedure, as opposed to a hair transplant facility where a team of nurses complete the surgery under the supervision of a doctor.


Today, there are two primary hair transplant methods: follicular unit transplantation, or FUT, and follicular unit extraction, or FUE. There is typically a price difference between these two techniques because FUT involves extracting the donor hair graft in one large section, or strip, rather than taking out the hair follicles in individual bundles. In general, FUE is more labor-intensive than FUT, and tends to be correspondingly more expensive. Whether you opt for a manual hair transplant or a robotic one can also affect the final cost.
Hair Transplant Surgery

The average cost of a hair transplant procedure tends to be more expensive in large population centers that have a higher number of hair transplant clinics, because the competition among these clinics will drive an increase in prices.


The rise of medical tourism has also led to the popularity of traveling abroad to countries like Thailand, Turkey and India to receive a hair transplant. If you choose to go to a different country to seek hair restoration surgery, be sure to factor in the costs of airfare, meals and hotel stays.


Most health insurance policies will not offset the cost of a hair transplant because it is considered to be elective surgery. Many hair transplant clinics offer financing to make it easier for patients to break up their payments in installments, rather than paying it off in one lump sum. Be sure to have clear expectations of the payment schedule at the clinic you are choosing.


Some cases, particularly for patients with more advanced stages of hair loss, require more than one session to achieve the desired results. The number of sessions you need is another significant factor influencing the final cost of hair transplant surgery. As a good rule of thumb, hair loss regions that are about the size of your fist usually take about 1,500 grafts to fill. Using this trick, you should be able to visually estimate how many grafts you may need.


Along with the cost of the hair transplant surgery, there may be costs associated with the recovery process, such as antibiotics or pain medication. Some surgeons also prescribe hair-growth drugs like minoxidil to ensure even better results.

Follicular Unit Excision for Hair Restoration


Hair restoration has come a long way since the days of conspicuous, unnatural-looking “plug-style” surgery. The field of hair restoration continues to evolve in terms of techniques and technologies that make the process much easier and lead to extremely natural-looking results. Modern hair replacement techniques use existing hair on other parts of your head or body to regrow hair and restore hair density. Follicular unit extraction, or FUE, is the paramount method of hair transplantation available today.

An FUE hair transplant is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that is not only virtually painless but also leaves no scarring. Your hair replacement surgeon will remove hair follicles from the donor site in tiny bundles. Transplanting donor hairs one at a time gives the surgeon full control over the placement and direction of each hair in the thinning or bald area. The results of FUE are totally natural, undetectable and permanent, and have shorter recovery times than older surgical techniques as well. In most patients, the grafts become fully secure in about eight days after surgery, and the surgical wound in the donor area usually heals within one to two weeks.

Fue Hair Transplant


Here are factors that can influence the cost of FUE in Canada:

  • An FUE hair transplant is considered a cosmetic procedure which provincial insurance plans in Canada, unfortunately, do not cover.
  • Depending on individual hair-loss patterns, there’s a chance that more than one FUE hair transplant session will be required.
  • FUE hair transplant costs in Canada increase with the level of expertise of the physician, but it is our opinion that it is a necessary investment. We highly recommend that you select a physician who has the necessary qualifications and experience to guide you through this important decision.
  • Regardless of where you are located, if you are considering an FUE hair transplant, any physician you consider should be a member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. To maintain their membership in ISHRS, physicians must meet established educational criteria over time such as serving in leadership positions, having the American Board of Hair Restoration certification, publishing scientific papers and teaching in scientific programs.
  • The cost of a hair transplant procedure varies depending on the method or type of procedure required. Depending on the recommended course of action for you, there is typically a price difference between follicular unit transplants (FUT) and follicular unit excision (FUE). These two techniques differ because of the labour or effort required during both the extraction and harvesting phase(s) of the surgery. While FUT involves extracting the donor hair grafts in one large section, FUE hair transplant costs are impacted by the extra effort required to take out the hair follicles in individual bundles. FUE is definitely a more labour-intensive method for both the surgeon and team, and they’re correspondingly more expensive.
  • Equipment costs for the procedure can alter the price of your surgery. Innovation and keeping up with the latest technologies can mean some clinics have higher costs.
  • Staff and labour costs involved with the procedure.
  • The complexity of the hair transplant such as primary/secondary/tertiary transplant.
  • The number of grafts that are transplanted – generally speaking, the higher the number of grafts required, the higher the costs. Most clinics use a sliding scale to calculate cost based upon the grafts.


The traditional approach to FUE requires the doctor to shave the treatment area. However, patients who opt for FUE hair restoration – especially anyone who is used to wearing their hair longer – may be embarrassed about going back to work or resuming normal daily activities after treatment, unless you are planning to take an extended leave of absence until all your hair has grown back to its pre-procedure length.

An option called no-shave FUE is now available for anyone who wants to keep their hair restoration as inconspicuous as possible. With this method, the surgeon only has to trim the donor follicle hairs, while keeping all other hair at the same length. During the procedure, the doctor will conceal the trimmed donor follicles among the remaining full-length hair, resulting in a completely normal, natural post-transplant appearance. Small, one-centimetre donor areas enable the surgeon to keep the FUE process and eventual outcome virtually undetectable for both men and women.

The Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons’s ability to provide this state-of-the-art procedure at a reasonable cost speaks directly to the innovation, research and experience of our doctors with the procedure. Dr. Jones’ pioneering ability to refine his technique and skills and his subsequent mentorship and personal one-on-one training with Dr. Huber as well as the addition of Dr. Alexander puts our team of doctors at the forefront of the industry.


  • Patients can resume normal activities immediately.
  • Ideal for patients with scarring from previous hair transplant procedures; linear scars from the earlier method remain undetectable.
  • No-shave FUE fully conceals harvested donor sites.


The primary difference between FUE and other hair transplantation techniques, such as strip surgery, is the method the doctor uses to harvest the hair follicles. With the strip technique – which is also called follicular unit transplantation, or FUT – the surgeon removes a section of scalp and dissects the individual hair follicles from the strip under the magnifier before grafting them into the desired area. Proportionally, FUT will yield more hair grafts than FUE. Therefore, if you have relatively large areas of hair loss, an FUT hair transplant can often give you more density of grafts in one session, making it a more cost-effective option for getting closer to attaining a full head of hair. When performed by an experienced hair transplant surgeon, both FUE and FUT can provide excellent results. There are pros and cons to both approaches – usually including cost – but in general, the FUE technique is associated with more comfort, a shorter recovery time and the most natural-looking results without any scarring.
FUE VSFUT Hair Transplant


Aside from the potential of significant cost savings, traveling to another country to get a hair transplant gives people the opportunity to get their surgery done incognito. It also provides a built-in excuse for a vacation to a foreign country, allowing the patient to heal while they enjoy exploring new sights, sounds and scenery. Aside from being outstanding destinations for a foreign getaway, countries like India, Mexico, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Turkey, Thailand and the Philippines serve thousands of hair restoration patients each year. While the price of hair transplants abroad is generally less expensive than it is in most Canadian and U.S.-based clinics, the same factors that influence the differences in cost still apply to foreign countries. As we mentioned earlier, there are also travel expenses to consider when seeking hair restoration abroad.

Shopping for the Best Hair Restoration Surgeon

Ultimately, when it comes to hair restoration surgery, you owe it to yourself to make sure you are getting the best value for your money. An unqualified or inexperienced person may offer cut-rate pricing in an attempt to lure new patients. If you see a lower price advertised than what you have come to expect from other doctors, research the facility and credentials to see if you can find out why. Former patients’ results are the best way to evaluate the capabilities of a hair transplant clinic or doctor. Reviewing former patients’ before-and-after photos or videos can provide you with the most accurate idea of the quality of work a given doctor can provide. At the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons, our doctors and surgical team use proven medical protocols, along with the most advanced equipment and technology available. By focusing on providing outstanding results, we ensure excellent patient satisfaction across the board.


Surgical technique, your surgeon’s experience, the number of grafts required and the location where you choose to get your hair transplant are all factors that play a significant role in your final hair transplant cost. Ultimately, you should not focus solely on finding the lowest available cost for your hair transplant, but instead on getting the best results for the price. The goal is to get a hair transplant that will improve your quality of life for years to come. The Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons offers both FUT and FUE surgeries. As leading Canadian hair transplant physicians, Dr. Huber, Dr. Alexander, and Dr. Jones are three of the most sought-after hair surgeons from patients from around the world. Not only do they set the standard for patient care and outstanding outcomes, but they personally perform all transplant sessions themselves, taking great care in determining the success of each surgery.

Dr. Jones pioneered the highly advanced micro-follicular unit extraction technique and incorporated this into his hair transplants to provide the best-quality grafts. This is the most precise method of hair transplantation available today. Dr. Huber has trained exclusively and extensively with Dr. Jones and is the only surgeon to have this distinctive mentorship as he joined Dr. Jones in this practice partnership, and as of mid-2021 the addition of their new partner Dr. Alexander with his 10 years of hair transplant experience will both strengthen and enhance the pioneering excellence of their Oakville clinic.

If you are seeking to improve your life with hair restoration surgery, don’t let worries about pricing stand between you and the full, healthy head of hair you have always dreamed of. request consultation with the Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons today and learn more about hair transplant costs.


1) Clinic Inside Photos

2) Financing Option At Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons