
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Female Balding

Question: “What is the reason for bald head in middle? I am a 25 yrs old. female. I am taking mintop and rudimin treatement. What is your opinion of this treatement is good? Should I continue with it?” Answer: “Females typically thin in an area on the middle and top of the head. Since medical … Read more

Out of Town Patients

Question: “For out-of-town patients who come to your office for a procedure, what is the post-op routine? Where do they go to have the stitches removed? Also, does the patient require to be on medication (propecia and rogaine) for life after the procedure? Is there other medications required? Thanks” Answer: “Out of town patients can … Read more

Balding at the Temples

Question:”I have a balding condition on my temples. It’s inherited since my mum and two of her three her sisters have it. I am 34 years old and black. I am very self conscious of it so I wear head scarves many times, Is there a way that this can be reversed or is there something … Read more