
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

1500 Grafts To Repair Old Hair Transplant Scar and Rebuild Hairline


It’s amazing how much you can do with a relatively small amount of grafts…

This patient was unhappy with the scar from a previous transplant. We were able to graft his own hair onto the scar to hide it and at the same time lowered his hairline and filled it in. This is a great example of how a previous hair transplant scar can be hidden even on a patient who wears his hair short. Do you have an old hair transplant scar or recession around the temples creating a “widow’s peak”? If so contact our team and a very short procedure can reap amazing benefits. Send your photos with the form below and we’ll give you all your options to deal with a visible scar, hairline recession or both!

1500 Graft Scar Repair And Hairline