
Toronto Hair Transplant Surgeons

Before And After FUE Procedure, 3000 Grafts

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Case – Scott – Surgery Day Case Study

Scott – Day of surgery

Scott – 9 Days Post Op

Scott – 90 Days Post Op

This is another extensive case performed by Dr. Robert Jones at our Toronto facility. This case study follows the whole case in video and photos. We will be tracking Scott’s case and many others online over the course of the next 12 – 18 months! Stay tuned to see how cases evolve and what Dr. Jones can do for early onset hair loss.

Case Presentation – This is how Scott presents on the day of surgery – note receded hairline and thinness at crown.

Video – See 360 view of how Scott presents immediately pre-op
Video – Dr Jones reviews Scott’s hair loss and describes the progression of the case
The team at hard at work…

The results of a full day of surgery – note how crown has been filled in with grafts and hairline has been rebuilt – Check back with our site to follow the recovery and progress of this case…