This is a 57-year-old male who had been experiencing hair loss for at least 10 years. During that time he’d never been on any medications or therapies to slow or stop his hair loss, and you can see over that time he had significant losses, losing virtually all of his hair extending from the hairline all the way back to the crown.
His goals were to maximize his graft harvest with his first surgery so that he could cover as much of his scalp as possible in a single surgery, so he opted for an FUT/strip procedure. This method allowed us to harvest grafts from the thickest part of his donor area, yielding a higher graft count than would have an FUE procedure.
As you can see from the surgical drawings, this patient opted for a conservative, receding hairline so that we could also cover as much of his mid-scalp as possible, but at the same time give him a hairline that would return the “frame” to his face.
His FUT procedure yielded more than 2950 grafts and his result is amazing! He got that “frame” back to his face while giving him a very natural hairline and natural appearing density over the frontal and mid-scalp. From the back, you can’t tell he’s had any surgery. In fact, you can see from the photo that his incision has healed so well that you can barely see it. Even we had trouble finding it!
These pictures were taken 13 months after his surgery, at which time he began to recognize the importance of preventing further hair loss. At the time of follow-up, he decided to start on finasteride. He was so happy with the result that we’ll be repeating the procedure to give him some density over his crown.