This is a gentleman who came to us at age 28 with a 3-year history of fairly advanced hair loss that he had never treated. In that time, he’d lost a significant amount of hair extending from the hairline all the way back to the crown, with a near-complete loss of the hairline. The result was an incomplete frame to his face and the appearance of premature aging.
We discussed surgery to restore the most important cosmetic areas, in addition to supplementary non-surgical treatments aimed at preventing any more hair loss, and maybe even regrowing some of his recently lost hair. As we do with all our patients, he was informed that non-surgical treatments are better at restoring hair in the middle and back of the scalp, while restoration of this kind of loss in the hairline and frontal scalp would require surgery.
He ultimately underwent a 2,112 graft FUE hair transplant aimed mostly at restoring his hairline in an age and anatomically-appropriate way, something that would continue to look natural on him in the years and decades to come. At the same time, he opted to start our MCF formula to prevent any ongoing hair loss and potentially improve his crown. This formula combines high-strength topical minoxidil with topical finasteride.
He returned 1 year later to show us his amazing results! He now has the frame of his face fully restored and looks years younger. There’s even been some significant improvement in the density of his crown owing to the MCF formula, without surgery! His donor area looks no different than it did before his surgery.
We’re really proud of this restoration and, most importantly, we’re so happy for this patient!